Introduction Video

Here is a brief video introduction to me and the course:

Required Readings

Responses to Critical Feedback

Week 1 Assignments (due by 11:59pm on Wednesday, September 2nd)

  1. Read the syllabus carefully

    This should go without saying, perhaps, but it is very common that I get questions from students that are answered on the syllabus. If you have any questions about how the class works or what you should be doing, post it in the #group-discussion section Slack channel so that I can answer them for everyone.

  2. Check that your email address on CUNYfirst is correct

    Throughout the semester, I will email you at the email address that is listed in CUNYfirst. It is east to change which email address is listed for you there: click this link for instructions. Please check right away that the email address in the system is the one where you want to receive emails from me, and change it if not.

  3. Post an introduction video on slack

    Log into this course's Slack workspace. Have a look around. Then record a 1–2-minute video in which you introduce yourself to the rest of the class. In the video, you should introduce yourself to the rest of the class: tell us your name and your major (if you have one), and describe one of your favorite philosophical ideas that you've previously learned about, either in a philosophy course or on your own.

    You should post this video in the #intro-videos channel on Slack. Instructions for how to upload videos to Slack can be found here.

    The purpose of this assignment is to get you used to slack, and to give us all some way of getting to know each other, if only just a bit.

  4. Post critical feedback on this week's reading

    Write a paragraph or two of critical feedback to this week's required reading(s). This could mean asking a detailed question about something that you found confusing, or formulating an objection to something that you found unconvincing, or posting a link to a piece of research that undermines one of the arguments of the reading (and briefly explaining why).

    You should submit your critical feedback in the google form at this link. If you have submitted the form correctly, you will receive an email receipt containing your response. (Make sure to save a copy on your computer first in case something goes wrong, so that you don't have to redo it.)