This week's writing assignment should be submitted through the course's blackboard page. To submit it, you should go to the Discussion Board section, then open this week's forum, which is called "Week 4 Assignment". You should begin a new thread in that forum and post your answer to the question there.
Your assignment this week is to describe two situations that meet Frye's definition of "sexism", one in which you had sexism directed at you and one in which you directed it at someone else. You should describe each of these situations, explain why it fits Frye's defintion, and explain why she would want to label actions like these as "sexist" in the first place.
It may sound as though I am asking you to publicly confess a crime that you have committed, but this isn't quite right. Frye's definition of sexism is very broad, and many acts that most of us would not ordinarily consider sexist count as sexist by her definition. So the key to this assignment is to properly understand how to apply her definition, and why one would want to do so. If you understand the question and Frye's definition, then there should be nothing embarrassing about answering this question. After all: by her definition, we all do many fairly innocuous sexist things every day.
Your argument should be no longer than 250 words. This assignment is due no later than 11:59pm on Thursday, September 28th.
(There is no bonus point opportunity this week.)