a brain

Required Readings

Discussion Questions

(Write out brief answers to this week's discussion questions and submit them via a direct message to me on Slack no later than 11:59pm on Sunday, November 14th. Your answers should be brief, no more than a few sentences each. Be prepared to discuss them in class.)

1. Cartesian dualism is the thesis that minds and bodies are made up of distinct substances that nonetheless interact. What is the best objection to Cartesian dualism?

2. Matrialism (a.k.a. physicalism) is the thesis that everything that exists is physical. What is the best objection to physicalism?

3. Cartesian dualists have sometimes claimed that only they can explain how humans have free will. Why is that?

Zoom Meeting

This week's Zoom meeting will be on Monday, November 15th, 11:10AM–12:25PM. Here is the link to join.