JAN 30Syllabus |
FEB 2Thinking about Mathematics, ch.2 |
FEB 6Shapiro, Thinking about Mathematics, ch.3 |
FEB 9(No Class - Snow Day) |
FEB 15Shapiro, Thinking about Mathematics, ch.4[Note that this is a Wednesday that follows a Monday schedule.] |
FEB 16Russell, Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy, chs.1–2Shapiro, Thinking about Mathematics, §5.1 |
FEB 20No Class (President's Day) |
FEB 23Joan Weiner, Frege, chs.2–4(The primary source:) Frege, The Foundations of Arithmetic (excerpt) Slides on Frege's Analysis of Number |
FEB 27Notes on Logic and Formal Languages |
MAR 2Notes on Logic and Formal Languages |
MAR 6The 1902 Frege–Russell Correspondence(This is a tough primary source, but give it a try:) Russell, Mathematical Logic as Based on the Theory of Types, Introduction and §1: 'The Contradictions' (pp. 222–227) (Useful Secondary Source:) Andrew Irvine and Harry Deutsch: Russell's Paradox, §§1–2 |
MAR 9Shapiro, Thinking about Mathematics, §5.2Russell and Whitehead: Principia Mathematica, Ch.2, §1: 'The Vicious-Circle Principle' (pp.37–38) (This is a tough primary source, but give it a try:) Russell: Mathematical Logic as Based on the Theory of Types, §§2–4: (pp. 228–241) (Useful Secondary Source:) Andrew Irvine and Harry Deutsch: Russell's Paradox, §3 |
MAR 13Russell: The Problems of Philosophy, chs.1–2Tim Crane and Craig French: The Problem of Perception (This Stanford Encyclopedia article gives a sense of how the issues Russell raises in these chapters have played out in the 20th Centuty.) |
MAR 16Russell: The Problems of Philosophy, ch.3Wilfrid Sellars: Philosophy and the Scientific Image of Man |
MAR 20Russell: The Problems of Philosophy, ch.4(A rather murky primary source on some relevant parts of British idealism:) F. H. Bradley: Appearance and Reality, chs. 2–3 (A much more accessible secondary source on Bradley:) Jeff Speaks: Bradley's Monist Idealism |
MAR 23Russell: The Problems of Philosophy, ch.5Russell, Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy, ch.16: Descriptions |
MAR 27Russell: On Denoting |
MAR 30Russell: The Relation of Sense Data to Physics |
APR 3Russell: The Problems of Philosophy, chs.6–8 |
APR 6Russell: The Problems of Philosophy, chs.9–10 |
APR 20Rudolf Carnap: Empiricism, Semantics, and Ontology |
APR 24W. V. O. Quine: On What There Is |
APR 27Nelson Goodman: The New Riddle of Induction |
MAY 1John Carroll and Ned Markosian: Properties |
MAY 4David Lewis: New Work for a Theory of Universals |
MAY 8Susan Carey: The Origin of Concepts, chs.1–2 |
MAY 11Susan Carey: The Origin of Concepts, ch.4 |
MAY 15No Class |
MAY 18No Class |